How to pay Lion Air Group tickets via ATM:

  • BNI , CIMB Niaga, BII, Bank Permata, BRI, Bank Panin, Bank Sinarmas
  1. Log in to the Payment Menu
  2. Select Flights
  3. Choose Lion Air
  4. Input Payment Code 

  • Bank BCA
  1. Choose Other Transactions
  2. Select Payment
  3. Choose Next Screen
  4. Select Other
  5. Enter Company Code 710110 (then select correct)
  6. Enter your Payment Code (then select correct)

  • Bank Mandiri
  1. Choose Other Transactions
  2. Choose Other
  3. Choose Ticket
  4. Choose an Airplane
  5. Choose Lion Air (enter the number that has Lion Air)
  6. Enter Payment Code

Lion Air Group Ticket Payment via BCA Virtual Account:

  1. Choose Transfer to BCA Virtual account
  2. Enter Lion air Company Code 89888
  3. Enter Payment Code 
  4. The screen will show the booking
  5. If correct, just follow the instructions to complete the transaction

Lion Air Group Ticket Payment via Klik BCA:

  1. Enter BCA Click User ID
  2. Login Click BCA
  3. Choose E-Commerce Payment
  4. Category column Select Flights
  5. Company Name Select Lion Air and continue
  6. Select the payment you want to make and continue
  7. Enter KeyBCA Appli Response 1 
  8. Select Submit

Lion Air Group Ticket Payment via CIMB Clicks:

  1. Choose to Use CIMB Clicks
  2. Terms and Conditions Check List 
  3. Click the CIMB Clicks Link
  4. Enter User ID
  5. Select Submit
  6. Click Send SMS (to receive OTP code)
  7. Enter OTP Code
  8. Click Pay

Lion Air Group Ticket Payment through ALFA group (Alfamart, Alfamidi, Alfaexpress and Lawson) or Indomaret:

  • Payment is made at the cashier by providing the Payment Code and Order Code.


  • The Payment Code is obtained at the time of booking the ticket. 

Lion Air Group Ticket Payment via BCA QRIS:

  • Payment is made at the cashier Order Code is scanned by the customer to make payment using mobile banking or e-wallet (electronic wallet)

Lion Air Group ticket purchases can be made through:

  • Lion Air Web with Link
  • Lion Air 24 hour contact center whatsapp number 0811-1938-0-888 (For chat only)
  • Lion Air 24 Hours Head Office Jl.Gajah Mada No. 7
